It is our understanding that to build organisational capacity for school improvement, it is important that schools develop processes enabling the evolution of leadership density. It is also important in developing leaders for the future that they be given opportunities for actioning leadership within their context. Educators at the LRI offer experiential learning programs designed to optimise leadership capacities of aspiring leaders. We believe the use of an explicit process based on a sound understanding of leadership development by teachers enhances leadership density throughout educational systems.

The program recognises:

  • development based on a sound knowledge of the process of leadership emergence and development in teachers;
  • leadership emerging as a result of experiential learning and guided reflection of that learning;
  • learning experiences for emerging leaders needing to be authentic to the context, related to the classroom, the whole school and the professional needs of the participants; and
  • both the principal and the school system having a critical role in ensuring the environment is conducive to leadership development.

The process of leadership development is viewed as a series of interconnected and varied learning experiences linked and made authentic through a process of experiential learning in the participant’s school. It is anticipated that the “leadership activities” will be determined and aligned to the nature of the participant’s role in their school. Engagement with this program enables participants to apply for academic credit towards the completion of a Master of Education program at the University of Southern Queensland.We welcome your contact: Dr Dorothy Andrews ( or Dr Joan Conway (